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By Ronel / January 22, 2025 / 1 Comment / Christian Living, The Gospel Of Jesus Christ
In theology, we have multiple belief systems. A belief system in theology is a set of ideas and values that shape a person’s worldview, including their religious beliefs. They’re the perfect go-to groups, especially since theology can seem overwhelming.
We all want to understand the Bible better, so we need to think theologically about each and every situation, since the world keeps changing. We also need to think theologically about everything so we can make sure we honor God and live out our faith.
Truth be told, there’s not much theological thinking going on when we are choosing a belief system. Why would we? The thinking has been done for us already. There is just one problem though. Sometimes these belief systems are too extreme. Like a pendulum, they are either on the extreme left or the extreme right.
The Theological Pendulum
Perhaps with a case study, the idea of extreme belief systems will become clear. I’ll explain how this happens and why context is so important, because some of these extreme groups developed a mindset due to a certain situation.
Example: There are two Pastors. Both of them have a difficult situation in their congregations. The one congregation is too legalistic and they try to earn God’s love and their salvation. The other congregation emphasizes that God cares only about the heart and they remain unproductive.
Both Pastors are faced with a problem that needs a solution as soon as possible. Because these situations are so extreme, these Pastors thought they had to go to extreme measures to fix it. The Pastor of the legalistic congregation starts teaching them that deeds are not important at all. The other Pastor teaches his congregation that they might not be saved, because they aren’t doing anything.
Both Pastors formed a belief system to deal with the situation, but ended up only picking some of the puzzle pieces. Both of them failed to think theologically about the situation as a whole and present the whole truth to their congregations.
Because the whole puzzle is: we are saved through faith alone in Christ alone by His grace alone. The deeds we do can never earn our salvation or God’s love, but we do them as a reaction to His love, because He loved us first.
My Personal Story
I found myself in this situation personally. I always thought the Pentecostal Church was THE church and the rest were wrong. Until my eyes opened and, for the first time, I could think theologically about some of their beliefs. Looking back now, I can see not all their beliefs were wrong.
But I couldn’t label myself as such anymore. The first time I listened to Paul Washer from HeartCry Ministries, I could hear the he was making sure everything is Biblical and I liked it so much that I also turned to a Baptist Church. But I wanted to go further. I wanted to become a Calvinist and a Cessationist. Not because I believed what they said, but because it felt like the right way to go. But our Baptist Church helped us study the Bible from the ground up. Instead of taking the extreme groups and believing them for the sake of belonging somewhere, we let God speak for Himself through His written Holy Word.
When studying the Bible, it is so important to keep context in mind. Let the truth and God’s Holy Spirit guide you when dealing with situations. Let us not be quick to carry a label ourselves with a belief system just because we didn’t take the time to think theologically ourselves.
Extreme Groups
Here are some of the extreme groups. Feel free to do your own research and ask yourself this question: Are they too extreme? Have they considered the whole truth and do they let God speak for Himself? Maybe some of their beliefs are true, but a part of it went too extreme.
The examples are not my own, but exported from the Logos Bible Software. There might be other examples as well.
- Reformed: Based on the teachings and theology that developed from the Protestant Reformation. The five ‘Solas’ Latin for alone (grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, Scripture alone, for the glory of God alone). People often equate this to Calvinism, but the term Reformed does not refer exclusively to Calvinism. However, the two are used interchangeably so often that one cannot refer to himself or herself as Reformed without the other thinking of Calvinism.
- Calvinist: Based on the teachings derived from the Synod of Dort in 1618-19. Summed up by the flower acronym T.U.L.I.P (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the Saints).
- Covenant Theology: The belief that there are two or three covenants and all Scripture must be interpreted through a covenant. This is found in Reformed denominations and groups. Beliefs include the Church is a continuation of Israel and infant baptism etc. Redemption, or the salvation of man is the theme of Scripture according to them. So the Bible is read through that layer or lens.
- Arminian: Based on the teaching of the Remonstrants, followers of Jacob Arminius. A response to Calvinism. Beliefs can be summed up in the flower acronym D.A.I.S.Y. (Diminished Depravity, Abrogated Election, Impersonal Atonement, Sedentary Grade, Yieldable Justification).
- Lordship Salvation (can be either Calvinist or Arminian): An outgrowth of the perseverance belief found in both Calvinism and Arminianism. The belief that salvation includes more than just believing in Jesus Christ as your Savior for eternal life. You have to turn from your sins and commit your life to Jesus as your Lord and Master e.g, “Repent of your sins and surrender your life to Christ to be saved.” You may be asked to give up something like property and possessions as well. Lordship Salvationists will deny it but their belief is a blurring and confusion of justification and discipleship.
- Molinism: The belief in “Middle-Knowledge” or that God knows all things that could but did not happen. Beliefs can be summed up in the flower acronym R.O.S.E.S. (Radical Depravity, Overcoming Grace, Sovereign election, Eternal life, Singular Redemption).
- Pentecostal & Charismatic: Those who believe that the gift of tongues, healing, and new revelations/prophecies are continuing. Some groups within them believe in the continuation of the office of prophets and apostles. (some resources in this category can be of good quality)
It is important to notice in your study of these belief systems, that they are never completely wrong or completely right. As you make this study your own, you will be able to think theologically and find either Biblical evidence or no Biblical evidence for the things that they claim.
May your Bible Study journey be fruitful.
I haven’t checked in here for a while as I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are good quality so I guess I’ll add you back to my daily bloglist. You deserve it my friend 🙂