The Heart Of Discipleship
By Ronel / November 7, 2023 / No Comments / The Gospel Of Jesus Christ
The day we receive Jesus Christ into our hearts, we become His disciples. This means, becoming a fisher of men. This may look like another one of the many services in church. That group prays, that group worships, those people work in the office and these people go out to do some street preaching. The truth is, we are all fishers of men when we decide to follow Jesus. On the surface, discipleship looks like someone who takes to Gospel to the streets. Passing by a stranger and asking him or her if they know Jesus. There is a unique view on discipleship that inspired me so much, because I realized that it is the very heart of God Himself.
There is a deep and strong desire in God’s heart to be with His children forever. And this desire burns like fire! Jesus Christ willingly left the luxury that heaven has to offer, to be born as a human. More than this, willingly He suffered a great deal of pain that we do not understand. The burdens on His shoulders were something that we will never experience, because none of us are expected to die for the world’s sin. Matthew 26:53 says: Are you not aware that I can call on My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels? I am certain, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Jesus could have skipped the cross, the pain and the burden. But He didn’t! A precious devotion I once heard said this: He willingly adored the grave and on the third day rose in victory! I get goosebumps just thinking about it. Let this take root in your heart. It was His choice and His Father’s will.
Do you want to know something wonderful? God has the power to share His heart with others! I do not mean by communication, I mean a literal and physical transformation of the heart to feel and desire what God feels and desires! How amazing is that? John 15:15 says this: No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not understand what his master is doing. But I have called you friends, because everything I have learned from My Father I have made known to you. Imagine liking, disliking, desiring and being joyful over the exact same things God does! This is the key that you need to change your service to God to a life’s devotion! Because if we understood God’s feelings about certain things, it would change our entire mindset. Deeper than that, it would change our hearts.
God created something special to change the world. He created you! He puts His plan into the hearts of people who are open to receive it. His plan is to fully reunite Himself with His children in a place where there will be no more tears or pain. Only joy. We look at a world full of sin and immediately feel like they don’t deserve to go to heaven. The reality is, none of us do. Heaven isn’t something we earn or deserve. It is a gift because we are willing to receive Jesus Christ as our Savior.
What does the heart of a true disciple look like then? We need only to look at Jesus’ character and see the things that we still need to become. I have listed a few things that we can look at. But they will only help if we can use them as goals to draw our hearts that much closer to God’s.
- Jesus believes in people. He is fully aware of their sin. He sees their thought life and every single skeleton in the closet. We might not be able to see as Jesus does, but we can see their need of rescue. The world is deep in sin. But also deep in hurt. Deep in the enemy’s plans. Deep in bondage. Deep in chains. And, even though they can’t admit it, in need of a Savior to save them from all of this. Are you willing to become part of the rescue mission that God wants to send out to His people? Jesus never gives up on us, how about you?
- Jesus not only saves, but He comforts. There are many wet pillows, even from people who already know Christ. Pastors carry a heavy load from being a shepherd to God’s flock. They might look like they have it all together, but they are human just like us. People are walking around with a smile as their mechanism to survive this world. Yet, you are not with them when they plead in prayer. Hospital beds are full. Mother’s are under pressure. Dad’s carry daily stress as they try to provide for their families. Are you willing to see their need and open your heart just like Jesus does?
- Jesus focuses on eternity. We all have so many goals – long term and short term. But what must our main focus be? None of what we see around us is permanent. There is a great day awaiting us. The return of Jesus Christ where He will send out His angels to collect His church. Anything else will never be as important as this. Many times, we place our daily lives at the top. Matthew 6:33 says this: But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. At the very top, you should focus on your relationship with God. Anything else should be second. Do you see some of your priorities that needs a shift?
- Jesus never worked for a reward. He wasn’t born into a wealthy family. During His ministry, one could see that He never had anything stable. If I were to draw my child closer to my heart, I could never seek a reward, because having my child close to me, is a reward in itself. God wants to draw His children close, but Jesus never did it for some worldly reward. He did it because He loves us. How many of us are seeking to make money out of our ministries?
- Matthew 16:24 says this: Then Jesus told His disciples, “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me. There is a cost of becoming a disciple. Everything important in life comes with a cost. Never did Jesus promise us that life would be cupcakes and rainbows. He did ask us not to let our hearts be troubled. Trials may come. Storms may come. The disciple understand that nothing is about him or her, but about God’s will and plan. A disciple will never be highly ranked in a city. A true disciple lives a selfless life. Galatians 2:20 says this: I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.….. What are you willing to sacrifice for God’s plan to be fulfilled?
God is stretching out His hand, yet your are the arm. He is only willing to work with someone who makes themselves available to do so. He is not a God who forces something on anyone.
I want to share with you a testimony of my own life. I have been of service in church more times than I can count. Prayed for people, hugged people, encouraged them through words, taught them about God. I knew I loved people, but I did it as a service to impress God. One day, I was confronted with a sore truth: I will never hate sin, take prayer seriously or take other people’s cry for help seriously if I am not baptized in God’s anguish! This hit me deeper than I can describe! Baptized in God’s anguish? Feeling the way God feels about certain things. When I could grasp that truth, something happened inside of me! Praying for someone changed from simple words to feeling as if I was in that situation, with that person! Someone’s heartache became mine! My own sin became like a virus. Someone else’s sin became an emergency. Someone else’s loss became my loss. Someone else’s joy became super contagious! The need to reach out to people, started to burn inside of me…
My prayer for you today, is that God will reveal His feelings to you. That God will help you understand the heart of discipleship. And give you the courage to live a life blooming with God’s desire for His children.