Miracles – A Definition That Could Change Your Perspective
By Ronel / January 28, 2025 / No Comments / Christian Living
Miracles…the very precious part of God’s work that shouts an important part of His character: “I can do the impossible!”. Since the beginning of time, God used miracles to show that He’ll go above and beyond natural limitations to make a way for His children. And it sparks a light in the eyes just by reading about it in the Holy Word. It is the very thing that escalates our faith in the times when we do face impossibilities. Storms hit and our hearts cry out with relief: “I serve the God of the impossible!” And this puts our fears to rest.
Time has dealt us, perhaps, a very unfair card. Is it strange for me to say that the bold Christians from Biblical times who had faith ablaze, would hold their heads in shame to see what has become of some Christians living today? Perhaps even more strange to say that one of the reasons for this, might be that our definition of miracles changed…
The ungodly shouts their demand: “show us a miracle then we’ll believe in Him.” This should not, in any way, silence the conviction if you are the Christian who’s faith has decreased in the hopes of having this restored by seeing some type of miracle.
Dare I imagine what Jesus must’ve felt when He uttered these words in John 4:48 : Jesus said to him, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never believe.” Yet, in His love for us, He still gave them what they desired. They saw Lazarus breath again, they saw the feeding of the 5000, Peter saw a coin in a fish that would pay their taxes, they saw the blind see again, they saw the lame walk again and they saw the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Yet, after all this being captured and locked in the most precious literature we would ever own, our faith still fades like snow fades in spring time. Trust that my conclusion is not insanity at all. For my conclusion is this: When we understand the true definition of miracles, it produces a heart of gratitude.
In the telephone lines of the spiritual realm, God’s voice echoes an answer to your prayer call. “The very breath you took this morning, was a miracle. You were safe on your trip you took today. That is a miracle. The fact that you did not die of any illnesses today, is a miracle. The sun came up today. That is a miracle. You were able to fill your stomach today. That is also a miracle.”
Do we allow ourselves to take for granted, each day added to our lives? In this, a precious miracle is God’s way of showing us that we are still in the palm of His hands. May gratitude run like streams of pure water through the pathways that have been clogged by negativity. May the Lord remove the curtains from the eyes that squirms in the chains of doubt with the desire to believe if only they could see another Lazarus.
And yet, I am sure God rejoices in our deep desire to see His Almighty hands in action. But let us be sure of the fact that each day is a miracle. Each blossom that makes its appearance, is a miracle. May these miracles, no matter how small, leave us speechless at the precision that God works with. Filling our entire beings with steadfast faith, as we proclaim: “God is here!”